πŸ—οΈ Refreshing Those "Low Hanging Fruit" Posts! πŸ€—

Hi there,

Happy Friday! In case you missed my previous emails, you can catch them all HERE.

As 2024 wraps up, it's time to set your blog up for success in the new year! To do that, the easiest way is to revisit underperforming content, more specifically, content that is considered "low hanging fruit". (This is what I talk about in my Analyzing and Tracking Course, and it's SO important.)

"Low-hanging fruit" refers to a task that is easy to accomplish. In this case, we're referring to blog posts that have been published for at least a year and are close to ranking higher on Google (ie: the bottom of Page 1 or top of Page 2)

Now to find these "LHF" posts, you need to discover a post's HIGHEST ranking keyword first!

The easiest way to do this, is to insert the post's URL into your keyword research tool and sort the keywords from highest (#1) to lowest. Then sort the volume to a minimum (rough example: 200 if you have a ton of rankings or maybe 100 if you don't), because remember, if a keyword is in the #1 spot but has a super low volume, who cares, right?

When to refresh a post:

  • It ranks for no keywords at all.
  • It has no keywords in the #1-#3 positions.
  • It has keywords in top three positions BUT they have volumes less than 100 (estimate).
  • Has top-ranking keywords but they are not matching user intent. This one can be tricky, but here's an example: You have a margarita recipe that is ranking in the #1 spot for "skinny margarita", but you know your margarita is not lower in sugar. (Now Google will probably drop this ranking once it figures out it isn't a good result but it does happen.)
  • It's ranking (and has ranked for a while) in a #1-2 spot for a keyword(s) with decent volume BUT the keyword is not the best keyword it can rank for. Here's a caveat that most people ignore or don't consider...
    • Let's say that keyword is a "nice to have" keyword but there are 1-3 other tempting keywords that have a much higher volume that you'd love to rank for. Ask yourself,
      • "Is it worth risking losing 100 monthly visits to potentially gain 500+?"
      • "Do I have a serious chance of ranking for these keywords?"
      • "Are these keywords directly matching user intent?"
    • **This case depends on the keyword and a few other factors, of course, but without risk, there is no reward. So don't be afraid to sacrifice some super low traffic keywords to potentially gain more traffic in the long run.

Here is a video briefly showing you how to find, sort, and filter your keywords using Keysearch.


If you cannot view this video, click HERE.


In the video I said, "I haven't optimized a post for 2 different keywords in a while". What I meant was that I have not targeted two different keywords like that example that have somewhat different user intent.

I hope that helps get you started on generating a LHF post list for the 2025 year!

I'll be taking next week off, but in my first 2025 email, I'll be sharing the best ways to refresh your lowering hanging fruit posts!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday break! You deserve it!! :)


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As you know, I'm working on a mini AI course for bloggers! If you are interested in being added to the wait list, sign up below!



Coupon Codes:

Link Whisper: Use my affiliate link with the code: AlekaShunk15 for $15 OFF!

Keysearch: For 20% off, use my affiliate link and enter the coupon code: KSDISC (*This may not work for those outside the US)


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Hi! I'm Aleka!

A blog dedicated to sharing my best recipes and tips for entertaining at home! Join the AGT hostess newsletter to stay updated with new recipes, tips and ideas for upcoming get-together!

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